Wednesday, March 31, 2010

100 Photos: Day 83

When the Forsythias start to bloom at this time of the year I always think of this story:
When I was younger I had some big hearing/speech issues. One time my mom was driving me home from an ear doctor appointment and I got all excited and screamed "Look Mom, 4 sybias, 1 sybia, 2 sybia, 3 sybia, 4 sybia, 4 SYBIAS!"


Brittan said...

um, I think that is one of the greatest stories EVER! I love forsythia also, it is starting to bloom around here... there is a HUGE bush down the street, but the town massacred it and cut it waaaay back... I was very sad about it, but it was a bit unruly and probably unsafe because it was right on the road which is narrow and kinda curvy!

Caroline said...

That is too cute!! When I was younger I rolled my R's so when I would tell people my favorite color is purple I would say I love poople. Any who ... hope you have a lovely evening!! XO

chloƩ said...

haha that is too cute! oh the things we say when we are little...