Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, loves! I thought I'd skip the "Wedding Weekend" to celebrate the women who have molded us to be who we are.
Mom's have the hardest job in the world. They care for, comfort, teach and discipline every day. Mom's also host "sleep"overs, wipe away the tears from your first heart break, bake the snack you need for school that you forgot to mention, and in the case of my mom, run to Meijer at midnight to buy more ink so you can print off your economics final project.*
My mom's first day as a mom

My mom is one of my best friends, she is the one I can't wait to tell good news to and the one I still bounce problems off of. With her I laugh until I'm about to pee my pants and can cry with just as easily.
Mom, Banan & me on the lake last year

Banan & I like to think we are relatively easy children, but I know there were times we could have helped out more.
My mom has given me her love, advice and eyes; she has hugged, danced and cried with me.
My mother is the best mom I could ask for and I am so lucky to be able to spend time with her every day.
So Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommas, you do a harder job than I do and I admire you all!
And Happy Mother's Day to all of you future mommas (I always consider myself among this group) one day we'll get to share in the specialness of being a mom.

And a big Happy Mother's Day to my mom. I love you & will see you in a couple of hours!

*What's the craziest thing your mom has done for you?


Lanie said...

You and your mother look like twins! So adorable. Hope you have a great Mother's Day together! :D

Nikolett said...

Such a sweet post ... you have to love those moms that are your best friends :) My mom does crazy things for me every day - love me even when I become a total brat, for one haha. Hope youe njoy your Mother's Day :)

mom said...

I love your post and I LOVE you!Thanks for being a great daughter!

cerebral e said...

You and your mum look so similar! I love seeing all these family pictures on blogs on Mother's Day.

My mum doesn't really do crazy things but when I was sick this weekend, she caught the train to my place on Saturday with home made chicken soup and did all my ironing.