How was your weekend?
Ours was good, we ordered my dress for my BFF's wedding, met friends for dinner, danced to some reggae, went to an art show opening, and spent Sunday lounging on the sofa watching movies working on our Save the Dates (I'm shipping them today!)
Yesterday was a grey, rainy day and I found myself dreaming of the flip flops, garage sales & flowers that come with sunshine. Keeping summer in my mind is the easiest way for me to get through the trying weather of Spring. (Spring is really my least favorite, just because the weather is a tease, it's rainy/muddy, and all of the cute clothes start showing up in stores and I can't wear them yet!)
So why don't we all go on a trip to warm summer days together?

How long until summer?
PS Don't forget to sign up for the giveaway and the Brown Paper Packages gift exchange!
I never thought I'd be wishing for summer, living in South Florida as I do, but it's been an unusually cool winter for us. So I'm craving those hot, lazy days! The picture of the boy in the blue, blue pool was my fave -- I want to dive into that pool, it looks so inviting! (Probably freak out the boy, though. :p)
I wouldn't mind taking a trip to any of those places I could go swimming! Spring has been a tease so far, but usually it gets nice and stays nice around here. I usually don't wish for summer too much because in southern VA it gets SO hot and humid and you can't really spend too much time outside unless you're in water!
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