Thanks for bearing with my sporadicness lately.
Jus & I had a great time playing hooky at the lake yesterday, spending the day in the sun/water with nothing to do was beyond relaxing and we loved every minute of it even though we both got too much sun (boo) and Jus's iPhone got wet (boo x 100).
Days like yesterday reminds me that it really is summer. Yes, the humidity, sun dresses, sandals, and constant ice cream cravings remind me as well but it's almost the end of June and I need to step up my summerness.
Hopefully you've been fully enjoying your summer but if you've been as busy as I have maybe you need some help getting into the swing of summer.
So here are my little steps for making your summer feel like summer (especially the kind you enjoyed as a child)...
Eat some watermelon, or any fruit (especially the kind you can pick out of a garden and eat while warm)
Wear your swimsuit (even if it's just to run through the sprinkler)
Buy yourself a new sun dress
Have ice cream at least twice a week
Go for a bike ride (or 10)
Paint your toenails pink
Go swimming (pool, lake, pond, river, ocean, it doesn't matter, just do it)
Learn some new ways to fancy up your ponytail
BBQ as often as possible
On the really hot days go sit in a cold movie theater
Make a sidewalk chalk masterpiece
Catch lightening bugs
Bump up your reading, try to finish a book a week (if you need suggestions you can check out my booklist!)
Make popsicles from fruit juice
Get some sparklers
Go barefoot
Dance, dance, dance (and sing, sing, sing) to your favorite summer jams
What are your favorite ways to make your summer more summery?
Love your list of summer time things. I shall be trying to do some of them in the next few weeks.
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lovely list!
I love eating a waffle cone of frozen yogurt while wearing a sundress and sandals!
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