Today is Day 1 of my birthday week. Tomorrow I officially turn 26 and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a good year.
To kick off the birthday celebrations I thought I'd start with 26 things I love.
Our little life in our big Behemoth with our girls.
The rest of my family.
And my friends (and bloggy friends!)
Taking long drives to nowhere with Jus & then discovering a yummy dinner spot.
A good book.
Caffeine, coffee in the morning & diet coke in the afternoon. (I've been trying to cut back but it isn't easy)
Changing seasons. Isn't it funny that the seasons always change when you're tired of the old one?
Puppy snuggles (and husband snuggles)
The first time you get to wear a new outfit.
Listening to a song over and over and over.
That people are basically good & kind.
Dancing, anywhere, any time.
Fresh flowers.
Being good to my body (it had been a while since I've been good but I'm back on the wagon).
Creativity, even if it comes in spurts, at least it comes.
Long summer nights.
Laughing until my tummy hurts.
Good food.
Being excited.
Knowing that fall is coming and that soon I'll be able to eat my favorite apples & wear tights.
Clean sheets.
Ice cream, I couldn't forget ice cream.
Lazy Sundays.
Love. I love love & I really love loving things.